My dad made these on occasion while we were kids. They got their name because of the different patterns on them and shape and size were similar to some turtles.
This may be the easiest recipe posted, because it only has 2 ingredients. A can of cheap biscuits :
This may be the easiest recipe posted, because it only has 2 ingredients. A can of cheap biscuits :
And a bit of butter or bacon grease for the skillet. Set the temp on low to medium, melt the butter or bacon grease in the skillet then when it's warmed up good, toss in the biscuits. (Yes these are the same biscuits the instructions say to bake in a pan, but we're doing this instead)
Turn fairly frequently so one side doesn't get too brown before the center can cook to desired doneness.
Jelly/preserves/honey etc go great with these but they are just fine without the sweets and make an ideal addition to a plate of bacon and eggs.